Have You Been Hoodwinked?

Today, some dear friends are releasing their new book! Hoodwinked is out in stores and on amazon and everywhere else books are sold and bought and treasured and you should pick up a copy stat. Ruth Schwenk and Karen Ehman's book is all about the modern myths of motherhood and how we must combat them with the truth of God's word. Sally and I thought it would be fun to record a short podcast to celebrate these friends who mean so much to us, and to tell you about the myths each of us has struggled with most. We'd love to have you listen in and join us in the pages of Hoodwinked, we really believe its a book you will enjoy and that will bless you as a mom.  You an listen to the podcast right here by clicking play, find us on iTunes at At Home with Sally, and click the link of Hoodwinked to purchase a copy at Amazon!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

xx Kristen